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I can only speak from the heart, its the only place my words form.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Letter #2

My Dearest Allie,
Today the air smells like the lack there of, of the perfume you can never wear because of your sensitive skin. Oh how I miss that sweet skin I used to kiss when the lights dimmed, Those luscious lips that used to taste like a sip of heaven. I think about you every day. Do you think of me? Do you miss me? I wonder. Feeling like ne-yo "Do you ever think of me anymore, Do You?" Its crazy remember when we used to lay in bed every night, you never knew it but I used to listen to you breath...slow...smooth...sweet. Unless you were sick, then you sounded like a wilder beast trapped under a truck in the middle of Nova Scotia. Lmfao just joking.
I can't believe I love you and not just love you but crazy over the hill in love seeing your face in everyone I'm with regretting anyone who tries to attempt to take you're spot in love with you. Crazy huh? I Know. I wish there was a remedy that I could take to make the memories fade but it would fail because I'd look into your eyes and fall all over again. *Sigh* Its crazy how I feel for you but all the words I wanna say I can't because now you're happy and I'm happy for you, though ill wait. True love never dies no matter how many times you try to refill a spot that's already been filled.

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